We are a retirement fund servicing company formed in April 2000. We are registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority as a retirement fund administrator in terms of the Pension Funds Act, and under the Financial Advisors and Intermediary Services Act. There are no links between Robson Savage and any other company or entity – all shares are owned by the staff and directors.
Our clients are corporate in nature, usually retirement funds, trustees or companies, or combinations of these. Our offices are in Richmond, Johannesburg from where we service a range of clients across the whole of South Africa.
Professional fund services are threefold:
We administer a large number of funds. Our experience ranges from the smallest of arrangements, with only a couple of members in an umbrella fund, up to independent funds with many thousands of members. As an additional service arising from our fund work, we are able to provide professional financial planning advice to individual members as and when this is appropriate.
By choice, services not provided include:
...because it is part of our service to give solid and truly impartial advice and do thorough market testing to assist trustees/clients in the optimum placement of each of these features amongst the universe of providers of such services.
The existing staff complement of over 60 people includes two actuaries, a number of actuarial students and several Financial Planning Institute qualifications in addition to the expected tertiary education qualifications and a wealth of experience.
A variety of external companies provide us with support services in the running of our business, with almost all non-core activities successfully outsourced.
Key success factors include:
Robson Savage has put itself on the map at a time when many providers are failing to give service at anywhere near the levels needed by customers, and yet are charging ever-greater fees. We believe the trend to packaged umbrella offerings is a backward step with clients losing sight of their money and the charges they are ultimately incurring.
We have state-of-the-art systems, fully owned by the company, developed by highly-talented in-house IT staff in conjunction with the users. This gives us: